Houghton Houghton

Houghton Cerfa-Kleen 5378

Cerfa-Kleen 5378 is a non-MEA, non-nitrited, low residue, alkaline spray cleaner with short- term in­ plant rust protection.

    Sub Total: $29.41


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    Detailed Product Description

    Cerfa-Kleen 5378 presents no barrier to subsequent coating or welding.

    Cerfa-Kleen 5378 has proven to be an excellent alternative to the use of solvent emulsion cleaners. It may be used in all stages of multi-stage washers.

    Cerfa-Kleen 5378 is particularly effective in cleaning quench oils and splitting them out of solution. Effective in spray washers with high pressure nozzles with pressures of 40 psi to 250 psi.

    Features & Benefits

    • Economical and low neat and in use cost
    • Excellent corrosion protection as well as in process rust protection on washed parts
    • Cleanability and lower sediment/dirt counts in milligrams than typical organic cleaners
    • Versatile as well as replaces solvent emulsions and silicate cleaner