Chevron Delo

Delo 400 Synthetic SAE 0W-30

SAE Grade: SAE 0W30

Delo® 400 Synthetic SAE 0W-30 is a mixed fleet motor oil recommended for naturally aspirated and turbocharged four-stroke diesel engines and fourstroke gasoline engines in which the API CG-4, CF-4 and CF service categories and SAE 0W-30 viscosity grade are recommended.

    Sub Total: $36.25


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    Detailed Product Description

    Chevron Delo 400 SAE 0W-30 Synthetic heavy duty motor oil delivers valuethrough:

    • Exceptional cold weather starting due to excellent low temperature pumpability.
    • Optimized oil cost — Low oil consumption as proven by excellent deposit control on piston crownlands. Outstanding oxidation stability contributes to long oil service life.
    • Optimal operating costs — Excellent soot dispersancy and wear control contributes to maximizing engine life to overhaul and helps defer the cost of investing in new equipment. Helps keep filters clean, contributing to maximum filter life.

    Delo 400 Synthetic SAE 0W-30 is a mixed fleet motor oil recommended for naturally aspirated and turbocharged four-stroke diesel engines and fourstroke gasoline engines in which the API CG-41, CF-41 and CF1 service categories and SAE 0W-30 viscosity grade are recommended. Designed for subzero arctictype temperatures.

    Delo 400 Synthetic SAE 0W-30 is a mixed fleet motor oil recommended for naturally aspirated and turbocharged four-stroke diesel engines and fourstroke gasoline engines in which the API CG-43, CF-43 and CF3 service categories and SAE 0W-30 viscosity grade are recommended.