Exxon Mobil Vactra

Mobil Vactra Oil Extra Heavy

Mobil Vactra Heavy Oils are general-purpose lubricants recommended for non-critical industrial applications where lubricant is applied intermittently such as in all loss systems, or where contamination and leakage are unavoidable. They provide excellent lubrication of plain and antifriction bearings. They are also recommended for moderate duty circulation and hydraulic systems where high leakage rates necessitate frequent makeup. The products should not be used where the bulk oil temperatures exceed 66ºC.

    Sub Total: $7.68


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    Detailed Product Description

    • Moderate duty industrial gear applications.
    • Circulating systems not requiring anti-wear protection
    • Low to moderate severity paper machine applications.
    • Non-critical machine tool applications, many air compressor applications and other plain- and antifriction- bearing applications.